Thursday, June 16, 2011

Super 8: Out of 10.

I know it has been a while since my last post, as I have been rigorously debating which movie to take a look at next.  But after seeing Super 8 the other night, I felt like I needed to do this movie justice.  I was overly impressed with it in the end.  It wasn't too over-the-top and the acting, especially by a bunch of kids, was actually very well done.

For those of you who have no clue as to what this film was about, I shall now give you a brief synopsis. An alien.  I will now give you a slightly longer synopsis.  As you could tell from the trailer, a group of kids are filming a movie when a massive train wreck occurs right next to them.  Eventually you learn that some freaky ass monster escaped from the wreckage and is killing people, stealing weird appliances, and causing dogs to run away.  Weird, right?  But I won't spoil anything else, because the end is rather surprising.  

I have to give some credit to J.J. Abrams and Spielberg here.  They took a lame, monster movie idea and turned it into something interesting and thought-provoking. Seriously.  This monster actually has feelings!  Unlike this guy:

This is the Cloverfield monster, who likes to tear shit up and eat people just because he can.  It should also be noted that J.J. Abrams also worked on this movie too, which leads to a rather striking resemblance between this monster, and the one from Super 8.  But as there are no pictures ANYWHERE for him, I can only provide you with a lovely artist rendering:

On a closing note, I highly recommend seeing this movie.  It's got a little of everything, which keeps you interested in not only what the alien is doing, but what the characters are doing as well.  It's very suspenseful at times, leaving you on the edge of your seat, but there is a deep personal back story for the characters, that adds a nice little emotional appeal.  So go see it, you will enjoy it. Unless you don't like monster movies, in which case go see Hangover 2. :)

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