Monday, June 20, 2011


Until last night I had never heard of this movie.  A friend and I were bored, so we started looking up movies to watch.  She told me there was this movie that had just come out about this 12 year-old girl that goes around killing people and instantly I knew we had to find this movie.  We typed something along the lines of "young girl assassin" into Google and lo and behold, we found HANNA.  

HANNA is about a young girl who has spent her whole life training under her father, an ex-CIA operative played by Eric Bana. (What movies has this guy even been in lately?)  But all is not well in wonderland, as the villainous Marissa, who's accent seems to change every single time you hear her speak, is looking for Hanna and her father to, well, kill them of course.  

Everything about this movie is so bad-ass, it begs you wanting more at the end.  I mean, it's one thing to watch a grown man take down 6 different, well-trained agents at once, but to watch a 14 or so year-old girl do it is ten times better. 

I would do what this girl say..

I won't revel too much about this one, as there a lot of twists and turns and awesome scenes that simply can't be described.  I highly recommend checking this one out, especially if you're in the mood for a fast-paced, action flick.

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