Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Transformers 3: Definitely More than Meets the Eye

Well readers, it has been some time since my last post, as I was recently soaking in the lovely Miami sun.  But I am back and ready to bring you some reviews of the best (and maybe some of the worst) summer movies.  So, without any further ado, lets get, dare I say it, rollin'.

Trasformers 3: Dark of the Moon hit theaters midnight last night, and I have two words to describe my reaction at the end of this movie: Blown Away.  It had me sitting on the edge of my seat throughout the whole thing and, to the embarrassment of the my friend sitting next to me, even teary-eyed at times.  It had everything a good movie should have: Action, betrayal, honor, emotion, and Decepticons with dreadlocks. Yea, dreadlocks. Apparently Cybertron isn't too different from Earth.  There were even Autobots with British accents. I'll stop with the weirdness there, because this really was an excellent movie.

For those of you who don't know anything about the Transformers, then there's really nothing to see here, because the next few paragraphs will be me talking about how awesome they are.  I will also be mentioning the plot and if you haven't seen the past two films, you will most certainly be lost.

The movie starts off with a very cool introduction about Neil Armstrong's landing on the moon.  But it goes into a top secret mission (fictional, of course) that ties in the crashing of an Autobot spacecraft and Armstrong's mission to discover what it was.  Apparently that was the REAL reason they were sent to the moon.  Anyways, a great story starts to slowly unfold from this discovery and for the first time we see Optimus incredibly pissed at the humans.  Scary robot is scary.  To reveal too much more, because as much as I want to, you simply need to go out and see this one, but Megatron is back and his plan is to bring the remains of Cybertron to Earth through a technology know simply as Pillars. Definitely not a good thing for us humans.

You've also got Sam still, with his new love interest Carly, played by the lovely Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.  

Shia sure does well for himself, eh?
Megan Fox is a thing of the past, but they do a very clever job covering up her disappearance.  Alongside the Victoria's Secret model are some other big name actors, like Patrick Dempsey, who from the moment you meet his character, you just hate the guy.  Also, if you all took my advice and saw Hangover 2, Ken Jeong, or Chow, makes an appearance as well.  Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson also have returning roles in this epic finale.  Leonard Nimoy, or as many know him, Spock, picks up a role as well, as a new Autobot named Sentinel Prime, an ancestor of Optimus.  It should be noted that before you meet him, earlier on in the film there is a scene with an episode of star trek playing where Spock is going crazy.  I found that rather entertaining.

Like I said above, I had many moments where, if I hadn't been surrounded by immature little kids, I would have started crying.  But to save my dignity, I chose to wipe away the tears and complain about my eyes hurting from the 3D glasses. Hey, it works.  But after having come through 3 movies now with some of these characters, it's hard to watch them go. However, I will say this right now, I will definitely cry at the end of Harry Potter.  I'm not ashamed of that.  

I am sad to see the Transformers saga end, but it's a good place to stop.  The ending left me feeling very satisfied and happy at the outcome.  The movie did have some "Oh, shit.." and "Did that really just happen?" moments, but it left me emotionally pleased at the end.  Kinda like Lost.  God I miss that show..

My recomendation, SEE THIS MOVIE.  It was by far the best of the three films and didn't leave any unanswered questions.  It's a long one though, at 2 hours and 40 minutes, so bring snacks! 

"You may lose faith in us, but never in yourselves"
Also with this post I am going to start my own personal rating system.  I will rate movies based on Plot, Effects, Acting, Flow, and other things I can't think of right this second.  It will be a simple 1-10 system, 10 being highly recommended.  

So for Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon, I award thee a solid 10 out of 10.

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