Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Open to Suggestions

It pains me to say this, but I've hit somewhat of a road block.  I've covered a lot of movies lately, and it seems that I am not quite sure what to take a look at next.  This is where you come in.  Got some movie that you haven't seen and want to get an opinion on before you rush out and spend 10 bucks to see it?  Or maybe you need a good movie to rent for a date or some other event and you would like an opinion.  Simply leave a comment below and within a couple days, I'll have a review or suggestion up for you.  Or if you simply are interested in what I have to say about a particular film, be it an old or a new one, leave a comment, and I'll give you my thoughts.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter: The End of an Era

Well folks, it pains me to say it, but the Harry Potter franchise has finally come to an end.  But what an amazing end it was.  As I sat in the overly crowded theater, full of young minds all dressed as there favorite witch or wizard, I thought back to the beginning, when this whole Harry Potter thing started.  I can remember being iffy on if I wanted to read the books or not.  But the decision to sit down one day and pour through all 309 pages of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was by far one of the best decisions I have ever made.  I was enchanted within the first 100 pages and I knew right there: This was going to be big.  But I had no idea how big it would become.

Many years later, after all the pages had been turned and 6 and a half movies had been watched, the world waited for the final installment in this epic saga.  And at 12:01, (actually it was more like 12:20 by the time we got through all the damn previews, which sucked by the way) Harry and his pals hit the big screen for the last time.  

I suppose you're here for a review and not the dragging on of a fan's heartfelt goodbyes.  Did I just say that?  Well all that aside, this movie certainly gave all previous Harry Potters a run for their money.  It should be said right now that if you have not read the books, there WILL BE SPOILERS in the rest of this review, as they were the parts of the movie I was most pleased with, so before you continue, just know that you have been warned.

For those of you who need a quick refresher, Deathly Hallows is about Harry and friends going out to find the remaining horcruxes (parts of Voldemort's soul that he has placed in meaningful objects in order to live forever).  In order to destroy Voldemort, one must first destroy all the pieces of his soul that he scattered about.  There are 7 horcruxes in total: 1) A ring, owned by Voldemort's grandfather which was destroyed by Dumbledore 2) Slytherin's locket, which was destroyed by Ron Weasley 3) Tom Riddle's diary, destroyed in the chamber of secrets 4) The Cup of Helga Hufflepuff, yet to be found 5) The Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw, yet to be found 6) Nagini, Voldemort's trusty snake 7) Harry Potter himself.  

Yup, Harry is the horcrux Voldemort never meant to create.  It all makes sense though, how he's been able to see into Voldemort's mind along with his ability to talk to snakes.  But sadly, this come as bad news to Mr. Potter, who finally understands what needs to be done.  Harry faces Voldemort in the forest and inevitably comes face to face with his death.  Yes, he dies.  But only for a short time.  It is during his brief death that he learns who the true owned of the Elder Wand is and that in order to save everyone he loves, he must return for one last fight.  

And so, in a triumphant resurrection, Harry returns to save his friends and put an end to evil once and for all.  I could not have asked for a better end to this series.  Even the 19 years later portion at the end left me with a smile on my face and feeling of satisfaction that, this time, Voldemort is truly dead and everyone will live happily ever after.  

"Let's finish this the way we started it, together."
The movie did leave out a major portion of the book, including the twisted history of Dumbledore himself as well as his best friend Grindlewald, who only makes a brief appearance in Part 1.  However, this plays no major role in the outcome of the story and so I am actually rather glad the producers chose to exclude it from the movie.  The truth is, the movies will never do the books justice.  If you want to know the whole story, there are 7 fantastic and magical books that you can pick up, sit down and read.  Because only then will you truly appreciate the magic of this series.

It pains me to say it, and I may even have to wipe away a few tears, but the end has come for Harry Potter.  However, I will proudly give this film an enchanting 10 out 10.  The films may be over, but the story will live on for many years to come.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

It All Ends Tonight!!

Harry Potter comes to and end at Midnight tonight in the biggest finale of all time!! You can certainly expect a post about it tomorrow!